
R & D Center:

Rooman has an experienced R & D team, both from the product, shape and structure, electronic design to software development, packaging and mold development, Rui step are invested heavily in continuous innovation and technology to form their own unique technological advantages, the development Every new one Products are technically in the industry-leading level.

Rooman invests 10% of its total revenue every year in R & D projects and places great emphasis on the training of engineers and more than 20 engineers, including over a dozen of whom have more than 15 years of experience in oral products. We provide our customers with market-leading innovations design. By balancing the power flow design with the actual manufacturing needs in today's global economy, we not only help our customers to make rapid transition from concept to finished product, but also effectively optimize resources and reduce costs.

Patented Technology:

  • certificate

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  • certificate

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  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate

  • certificate
R & D team:
Design module:
  • And the country's top design companies form a strategic partnership to meet different ID design needs at home and abroad to ensure that each ID can Have independent intellectual property rights.
  • With over eight decades of structural design engineers in the RD team to ensure a quality user experience, both parties need to share the intellectual property (IP) of the product's technology at the beginning of the design.
  • Rooman engineers in the design of electronic components, continuous innovation, the element frequency stability based on the rational design of the element structure, after repeated experiments to ensure compliance in order to put into use.
  • During the Rooman software design process, we respect the protection of our customers' IPs and design the products in accordance with our customers' IP protection principles. We will not violate our clients' rights and interests.
  • Rooman's product line is rich, the design team based on different series of styles, product applications, the user population characteristics of custom packaging design, packaging beautiful and streamlined.
  • Rooman in the field of injection mold design, fully possess the most professional advice and the most abundant experience.
Contact Us
Zip code:523929
Address: Shutian, Humen, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province on the village road
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