
Since its establishment 20 years ago, the company has a complete and mature supply chain, which can be completed within the company from mold manufacturing, injection molding, fuel injection laser engraving, multi-type brush head to assembly molding, and can effectively control the " Price, quality, delivery "to protect the interests of its clients.
Mold shop show

  • Workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop
Injection workshop: has 60 tons to 350 tons of injection molding machine more than 30 Taiwan

  • Workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop
Fuel injection workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop
Screen printing workshop on the month
Company printing workshop clean level as 100000 standard The maximum allowable number of dust particles (per cubic meter): large or equal to 0.5 microns, the number of particles shall not exceed 100,000, the number of particles larger or equal to 5 microns shall not exceed 20,000, the temperature should be maintained at 18 ~ 26 ℃, humidity should be maintained 40 ~ 80% cleanliness level lurking The maximum allowable number of particles / cubic meter The maximum allowable dust falling ≥0.5чm ≥5чm Planktonic bacteria / cubic meter Settling bacteria / cubic meter.

  • Workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop
Assembly lines: Has a fully automated assembly line 6, electric toothbrush design capacity of 150,000 / month

  • Workshop

  • Workshop

  • Workshop
Contact Us
Zip code:523929
Address: Shutian, Humen, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province on the village road
Interactive Platform

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